Alternative Investments – Their Role in the Post Pandemic Landscape

3 min read

The economic repercussions of the global pandemic continue to be felt across businesses and industries worldwide. The stock market continues to rise, but the path is rocky, and not all sectors are outperforming. Amid historically low rates, government bond yields are at multi-year lows. How are alternative investments, such as private equity and private debt, fielding the crisis? Private Debt Private debt is a general term used to describe loans to private companies, consisting mainly of lending strategies to small and mid-sized businesses. In the United States, small and mid-sized firms make up almost 99% of all businesses. Private debt offerings include a…...

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Evamarie Augustine I specialize in creating engaging and timely content on the financial markets. Skilled at turning raw research, insights and data into compelling commentary for a variety of media platforms. My expertise includes writing, editing, and exceptional project management skills.

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